
Ard Shenk Crocus Blooms

Editor of Magazine to Retire & Help Wanted!

Why is it the case that good news often comes with accompanying bad news? As we’re optimists, we’ll share the good first: we are celebrating Arend Vander Pols more than 25 years of service editing the DIS magazine! And therein comes the bad news. While we celebrate Arend’s 25 years, he has informed the board that 2022 will be his last as he looks forward to a well-deserved retirement at the end of the year. Clearly, this will create a significant gap at DIS. At this point, we are looking for someone to continue his work as the editor of the DIS magazine. If you know of anyone with editing, journalism, page layout, project management or other relevant skills, please let us know soon. This is a paid position so it may work well for a freelancer. Any kids/grandkids out there who would enjoy connecting with their Dutch heritage while taking on a gig job? We’ll also be looking for someone to fill in with processing membership renewals. Again, without these key functions DIS grinds to a halt. Please let us know soon if you know of a person or organization willing to step up. The board will meet later this spring to consider options for these roles and what it means to the future of DIS.

The board is seeking qualified candidates to apply for three positions:
• Editor
• Graphic Designer
• Membership Coordinator

One person may be able to fulfill all three positions or perhaps an editor and a few volunteers will be able work together. Maybe there is an existing organization willing to work together with the DIS to keep it going. The board is open to suggestions.

Short job descriptions are printed on page 10 and 11 of the winter 2021 issue of dis magazine which can be accessed here.

If you are interested in helping out, please contact us via our contact form which can be accessed here.