
Pannenkoeken Ouderwets Lekker

In the last issue of dis magazine we reported on a Facebook post about Dutch politics and pannenkoeken that went viral (Methods of Pannenkoeken Cooking: a Voter’s Guide, Explained), and while I’ve been thinking about politics a lot lately that article really made me start thinking about pannenkoeken.

Though pannenkoeken are not something we make often at our house, we made the bold decision to have 13 people over on Mother’s Day this year for a pannenkoeken feast. In true American potluck fashion, the guests brought most of the toppings: boiled eggs, bacon, sausage, gouda cheese, smoked salmon, jellies, hagelslag , syrups, and whipped cream.

I wanted to make a pannenkoek, not a pancake and not a crepe, and not a Dutch Baby. I searched for a recipe and settled on “Pannenkoeken – ouderwets lekker!” by Annemiek on (

I found my cast iron skillet worked great and that pannenkoeken fresh and somewhat crispy from the pan tasted best, but with 13 hungry mouths to feed good enough was making them ahead in two skillets and keeping them warm in the oven. I made some with soy milk and margarine in order to accommodate some family members who are sensitive to dairy products. Overall the dinner was a success, everyone found a version they liked, and now all I want to eat are pannenkoeken !

Also if you have been reading closely I’m somewhat confused if it is pannekoeken or pannenkoeken. Maybe that’s a question for Dr. Bakker. [He said both are correct.]

Pannenkoeken-ouderwets lekker!
by Annemiek
125 grams (1 cup) flour
2 eggs
300 ml ( 1 1/4 cup) milk
Pinch salt
1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons melted butter and extra for cooking

Heap the flour in a big bowl and make an indent in the middle. Whisk the eggs and milk together and stir the mixture slowly into the flour until smooth. Stir in the melted butter, salt, and sugar. Cover the bowl and let the batter rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

Melt some butter in the skillet and with a ladle add batter to the pan. Tilt the skillet around to spread the batter and cook the pannenkoek over middle heat until it is golden brown and flip it to cook the other side to golden brown.

For variation you can add a strip or two of cooked bacon or sliced apples to the pan and pour the batter over it, or add slice of gouda to melt once you have flipped the pannenkoek to cook the second side.